Mjesec: Mart 2017.

These Are Not Mom's Spaghetti, They Are Mine

These Are Not Mom's Spaghetti, They Are Mine

So it was Thursday, we had a lot of spinach in the fridge and we wanted to eat healthy-ish. I've already made a similar meal, but I wanted to update it and I did. Spaghetti with spinach and zucchini with turkey meat and heavy cream […]

This Homemade Chicken Salad Is Frickin’ Delicious

This Homemade Chicken Salad Is Frickin’ Delicious

I've made a pretty healthy meal. That is an accomplishment for me. Just kidding, you can find a lot of salads on this blog. Today I've made my own version of Caesar salad. Yes, it's delicious! Ingredients: – lettuce – spring onions – paprika – […]

Sweet Toast With Pear And Nuss-Nougat

Sweet Toast With Pear And Nuss-Nougat

The middle of the week is reserved for sweets. Maybe I'll make it my “blog thing”.

Today on the menu is sweet toast with Nuss-Nougat and pear, topped with cinnamon. And yes, it's delicious!


– toast bread
– pear
– Nuss-Nougat cream
– butter
– Cinnamon

This is one of the simplest recipes but damn it's delicious. You will need only 5 ingredients. My girlfriend found this Nuss-Nougat cream in dm drogerie in Sarajevo after we've tried it, I had to make something. I came up with this easy recipe. Basically it's like grilled cheese, but.. well different. If you don't have this kind of cream in your city, you can use Nutella.

Take two slices of bread and spread Nougat on it. Slice a pear in pieces and put them on the Nougat. Top it with the other slice on which you will spread a bit of butter.

Now melt a table spoon of butter in a pan and put the non-butter side on the pan. Fry them for a few minutes then flip it. Serve it on a plate and sprinkle some cinnamon over the bread.

It's so frickin’ delicious.


Sastojci za slatki tost:

– tost hljeb
– kruška
– Nuss-Nougat krem
– maslac
– cimet

Recept je jednostavan i možete ga napraviti već danas. Na jednu krišku hljeba namažite kream te isjeckajte krušku na komadiće i stavite na krem. Zatim poklopite s drugom kriškom na koju ćete namazati putera.

U tavu istopite puter i stavite sendvič s kriškok koja nije namazana na tavu. Nakon 2-3 minute okrenite i pržite još toliko.

Servirajte na tanjir i pospite cimeta.



Simple Snack Hack That You Can Really Enjoy

Simple Snack Hack That You Can Really Enjoy

I've been busy for the past four days, so I'm really sorry that there were no posts. Don't worry, I have a lot of recipes ready for you. Today is a simple one and it's that much of a recipe, more of a snack hack […]

Zucchini Vegetable or Meat Boats – Pretty Delicious To Me

Zucchini Vegetable or Meat Boats – Pretty Delicious To Me

There was a time when I did not like zucchini, but somehow they've started to creep up on me, and now I have a pretty good relationship with them. Yesterday I've made something that I've called “zucchini boats” with vegetables, but there's a meat one […]

These Baked Garlic Chicken Nuggets Are Delicious and Gluten Free

These Baked Garlic Chicken Nuggets Are Delicious and Gluten Free

There is a special part of my stomach for chicken nuggets. No, seriously, I really love chicken nuggets but homemade. I don't like those fast food nuggets, they are very suspicious to me.

So from time to time, I like to make myself baked nuggets. Today on the menu I've got garlic nuggets and they are gluten free.


– chicken breasts
– Gluten free corn flakes
– an egg
– gluten free flour
– spices: Garlic powder, salt

The recipe is pretty simple but a little bit dirty, nevertheless it's delicious. Wash the chicken breasts and cut them in pieces. Put a little bit of flour in a small bowl, crack an egg in another and mix it. In the third one, just crumble a fist full of corn flakes (add more if needed). Salt the corn flakes and add garlic powder. If you are a garlic fan, go ahead and put a lot of garlic.

Before you start making the nuggets, preheat the oven, the highest temperature possible. Take one piece of chicken, put it in the flour, then in the egg and then in the corn flakes. Put it on a pan with parchment paper. Do the same with the rest of the chicken and put it in the oven. Chicken is done when the corn flakes becomes brown-ish.

Take the nuggets out of the oven and serve it with a sauce of you choosing.



Sastojci za pileće nuggetse s bijelim lukom:

– pileća prsa
– Gluten free corn flakes
– 1 jaje
– gluten free brašno
– začini: bijeli luk u prahu, sol

Prije nego pripremite sve, zagrijte rernu na najjačoj temperaturi. Dok se rerna grije pripremit ćete nuggetse. Piletinu operite i isjeckajte na komadiće. Zatim u tri manje zdjele naspite brašno, ubijte jaje i promješajte i izdrobite corn flakes u treću. Corn flakes posolite i stavite bijeli luk u prahu, onoliko koliko volite. Možete pretjerati, a i ne morate. Zatim komadiće piletine prvo uvaljajte u brašno, pa jaje i na kraju u corn flakes. Komadiće piletine stavite na papir za pečnje na tepsiji i stavite u rernu. Pecite dok pahuljice ne dobiju smeđkastu boju.

Servirajte uz sos po želji.


I've Made A Veggie Burger, Ate It and Did Not Die

I've Made A Veggie Burger, Ate It and Did Not Die

So yeah… that happened. I've made a veggie burger. Actually, I'm proud of myself. I've made it and it was frickin’ delicious. All my friends are familiar with my love of burgers, but I have never made a veggie burger. I did try a few in […]

U Sarajevu se otvara Tasty Donuts & Coffee

U Sarajevu se otvara Tasty Donuts & Coffee

Dame i gospodo, u Sarajevu ćemo uskoro i moram napisati konačno imati priliku jesti svježe krofne u prvo donut shopu. Tasty Donuts & Coffee je njemački brend koji je nastao prije nekoliko godina, a nakon otvaranja u Njemačkoj, Holandiji, Austriji i Slovačkoj konačno dolaze i […]

This Homemade Buckwheat Gluten Free Pizza Is The Best Gluten Free Thing Ever

This Homemade Buckwheat Gluten Free Pizza Is The Best Gluten Free Thing Ever

A few weeks ago my girlfriend and I stumbled on a buckwheat flour that's gluten free. She is a bit allergic to gluten so we were happy to see that there's buckwheat flour without gluten. It really is a happy moment since our only option is gluten free flour mix, which could be better when you add stuff to it.

I have already made a homemade gluten free pizza with gluten free flour, but somehow it was missing something.

So we've decided to make a buckwheat gluten free pizza and it was awesome.

Let's start with ingredients:


– gluten free flour
– gluten free buckwheat flour
– yeast
– salt
– olive oil


– gluten free chicken ham
– Gouda cheese
– Mozzarella cheese
– turkey meat
– tomato juice
– oregano

So let's start with the dough. First of all, pour a little bit of water in a small bowl and add 1,5 table spoon of yeast. Mix it and let the yeast do the work. Put 300g/10.5oz of buckwheat flour and 200g/7oz of gluten free flour in a bigger bowl and mix it together. Add salt and a table spoon of olive oil and mix it. Then add a 175ml/6oz of warm water. Mix it together and when the yeast starts to bubble add it to the flour mixture and mix. When the dough is formed, sprinkle some flour on the table and put the mixture on it. Knead the dough for 10 minutes and put it in a bowl. Cover it with see-through foil and leave it somewhere warm. Knead it from time to time. After a few hours you can make your pizza, but you can leave it in the fridge and use it tomorrow.

So if you're ready for your gluten free pizza, let's start cooking. First of all you're gonna need to fry the turkey meat. Just use the white meat which you'll chop in small pieces and fry it with olive oil. Salt it and put some pepper on it.

After frying the meat, take the dough out of the bowl and knead it for a few minutes. Then put the dough on a parchment paper and form a pizza. Put it in a heated oven on 275C/530F degrees for 10 minutes. While it's baking, grate the cheese and cut the ham in small pieces. Make the sauce by putting a tomato (if in season) in a blender or canned tomato, add oregano and salt and blend it all together.

Take the dough out of the oven and put the sauce on it and toppings (don't forget Mozzarella cheese). Take it back to the oven and bake for half an hour or until the lower part the pizza is brown-ish. Take the pizza out of the oven and serve it on a plate.



Sastojci za domaću pizzu s bezglutenskim brašnom od heljde:


– gluten free brašno
– gluten free brašno od heljde
– kvasac
– sol
– maslinovo ulje


– gluten free pileća šunka
– Gauda sir
– Mozzarella sir
– pureći medaljoni
– paradajz
– origano

Prvo ćete napraviti tijesto. U malu zdjelu naspite tople vode i stavite kvasca da prekrije površinu vode. Promješajte i ostavite sa strane. U veću zdjelu stavite 300g brašna od heljde i 200g brašna bez glutena. Dodajte sol i supenu kašiku maslinovog ulja. Naspite tople vode u smjesu, nekih 175ml i dobro promješajte, a zatim dodajte kvasac ako je spreman. Mješajte dok ne formirate tijesto koje ćete zatim staviti na stol ili radnu površinu koju ćete prethodno posuti brašnom. Miješajte brašno rukama nekih 10-ak minuta, a zatim ostavite u zjedlu koju ćete prekriti providnom folijom. Ostavite na nekoliko sati na toplo mjesto u kući. Nakon nekoliko sati možete ga ostaviti i u frižider da prenoći.

Kada želite da pravite pizzu, prvo ćete ispržiti pureće medaljone na maslinovom ulju. Dodajte smo malo soli i bibera. Zatim ih ostavite sa strane i pripremite tijesto. Na stol ili radnu površinu pospite malo heljdinog brašna i miješajte rukama. Zatim prebacite na kuhinjski papir za pečenje i formirajte pizzu s oklagijom. Takvo tijesto stavite u rernu na 275 stepeni na nekih 10-ak minuta. Za to vrijeme izrendajte sir i isjeckajte šunku. Napravite i paradajz sos s domaćim paradajzom ili iz konzerve. Stavite u sjeckalicu paradajz ili rukama izgnječite, samo dodajte origana i malo soli.

Tijesto zatim izvadite iz rerne i stavite sos i toppings (nemojte zaboraviti na Mozzarellu). Pizzu vratite u rernu i pecite nekih pola sata ili dok dno pizze ne dobije smeđkastu boju.

Servirajte uz omiljeno piće i uživajte!

Movies About Food That Inspire Me

Movies About Food That Inspire Me

It's been a long time since I've started cooking. I've been cooking half of my life and there was always something to inspire me, to make cook more and explore. So in this blog post, I will write about 4 movies that inspired me through […]