Mjesec: Juni 2017.

INmusic festival je najbolja kombinacija hrane i muzike

INmusic festival je najbolja kombinacija hrane i muzike

Razlog zašto nisam dugo objavljivao na blogu je taj što sam bio na INmusic festivalu. Na ovom sam festivalu bio mnogo puta i svaki put sam se iznenadio kako imaju dobru hranu. Na mom drugom portalu Muzickazona.ba, više sam pisao o muzici i šta se […]

Cheese Muffin For Work Lunch – Must Try

Cheese Muffin For Work Lunch – Must Try

The week of “take me to work lunch” meals has begun. I've wanted to do this for some time, but never got it, due to video recipes or something else and of course there's the private life. This week, except Wednesday, that's the day I […]

Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancakes With Maple Syrup And Fruit

Gluten Free Buckwheat Pancakes With Maple Syrup And Fruit

It's time for one of the most perfect sweet summer recipes.

As you probably know, my girlfriend has a bit of an allergy towards gluten, so sometimes I have to make something gluten free that's actually good. I've been looking for pancakes that are gluten free and good, so I've made something that worth to eat.

Buckwheat gluten free pancakes are maybe even better than plain flour ones… No just kidding, but they are pretty good. Check the recipe below and decide on your own.


– 150g of buckwheat flour (gluten free)
– 100g of gluten free flour
– 1 tablespoon of baking soda
– 1 tablespoon of sugar
– 1 small package of baking powder
– an egg
– vanilla extract
– 1 cup of milk (I've used lactose free milk)
– gluten free maple syrup
– fruit of your choosing


1. Put the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them up. In another bowl mix your liquid ingredients. Then combine them together and mix for 5 minutes.

2. Put a little bit of vegetable oil on a pan and spread it with a kitchen towel. Preheat the pan and pour the mixture in a size of a pancake.

3. When you're done with pancakes, stack them on a plate and pour the syrup and put the fruit of your choosing.



Sastojci za gluten free heljdine palačinke s javorovim sirupom i voćem:

– 150g heljdinog gluten free brašna
– 100g gluten free brašna
– 1 supena kašika sode bikarbone
– 1 supena kašika šećera
– 1 pakovanje praška za pecivo
– jaje
– ekstrakt vanilije (1 čajna kašika)
– 1 šolja mlijeka (koristio sam mlijeko bez laktoze)
– gluten free javorov sirup
– voće po želji


1. Spojite suhe sastojke u zdjelu i izmješajte, a u drugu tečne, koje ćete također izmješati. Spojite suhe i tečne sastojke jednu zdjelu i dobro izmiksajte, po mogućnosti 5 minuta.

2. Stavite malo ulja na tavu i razmažite kuhinjskim papirom i stavite da se ugrije. Kada se ugrijala, sipajte smjesu u obliku palačinka i pecite.

3. Kada su sve palačinke gotove, poredajte ih jedno na drugo, pospite sirupom i dodajte voće.



Delicious Vegetarian Zucchini Boats With Lots Of Cheese

Delicious Vegetarian Zucchini Boats With Lots Of Cheese

Hey guy! I have to say I'm very sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, at least here on the blog. I've been making a lot of video recipes, which you can find on my Facebook page. I've also launched my first YouTube show, […]