Mjesec: Septembar 2017.

Zaustavite sve i napravite ovaj sendvič s kobasicama! Poslije ćete mi zahvaliti

Zaustavite sve i napravite ovaj sendvič s kobasicama! Poslije ćete mi zahvaliti

Današnji blog post ide samo na našem jer je poseban sendvič samo za naše područje. Imam veliku želju da napravim pravi bosanski sendvič, nešto što bi moglo obilježiti bh. kuhinju, nešto što će se u budućnosti nazivati bosanskim sendvičem. Ne volim ono što se sada […]

I've Made Kebab Toast And I Frickin’ Loved It

I've Made Kebab Toast And I Frickin’ Loved It

I'm not ashamed, I love to mix different types of food. I've already mixed a lot of different things, but never thought of a kebab toast combination. I've already tried the kebab pizza, and you check it out here, but there's even something better, and […]

Mini Egg Donuts For Breakfast – I Went There

Mini Egg Donuts For Breakfast – I Went There

I love donuts! That's probably something everyone knows. Well at least the people who actually know me or fallow me on Instagram.

The obsession with donuts and burgers comes from… well I actually don't know, but I frickin’ love them.

I've already made chocolate donuts, they were baked, a bit healthier version, and you can read about it here. So I had to make something healthy this weekend, and these healthier, savoury and delicious.


– 2 eggs
– cheese
– spices: basil, salt
– butter


1. Butter up the mini donut moould and leave it aside until you prepare the eggs.

2. Crack two eggs in a bowl and the spices and mix it all up.

3. Grate the cheese (Gouda or Cheddar) and mix it all up again.

4. Pour the eggs in the mould and put it in the preheated oven at 180C/F.

5. Bake them until the puff up, probably 10 minutes.

Serve them with toast and orange juice.




– 2 jajeta
– sir
– začini: bosiljak, sol
– maslac


1. Namažite maslaca u kalup i ostavite sa strane dok pripremite jaje.

2. U zdjelu “ubijte” dva jajeta, dodajte začine i umutite.

3. Izrendajte sira (Gaude ili čedara) i umutite ih zajedno.

4. Prespite jaja u kalup i stavite u već zagrijanu rernu na 180 stepeni.

5. Pecive dok ne nadođu, nekih 10-ak minuta.

Servirajte uz tost ili svjež hljeb i sok od narandže.


Kako napraviti pecivo za burgere?

Kako napraviti pecivo za burgere?

Iako je sezona roštilja skoro pa gotova, to ne znači da trebate prestati s prženjem fenomenalnih burgera. Za burgere trebat će vam i pecivo, pa zašto ne bi napravili domaće pecivo? Recept je vrlo jednostavan i mogli ste ga pročitati na blogu u engleskoj verziji, […]

Zagreb Burger Festival – Najbolji hrvatski burgeri sredinom septembra na jednom mjestu

Zagreb Burger Festival – Najbolji hrvatski burgeri sredinom septembra na jednom mjestu

Na sveopće veselje svih ljubitelja hamburgera, uskoro počinje Zagreb Burger Festival powered by Heinz. Fini miomirisi razigrat će vaše okusne pupoljke na zagrebačkom Strossmayerovom trgu od 14. do 24. septembra. Kreativni studio Kokoš ili jaje dovodi deset burger barova iz Zagreba, Splita, Fažane, Pule i […]

This Was A Weird Breakfast But I Like It

This Was A Weird Breakfast But I Like It

Yes, I need to post more. I've been focusing on video recipes and different kind of food videos. I've been neglecting my blog, and I'm very sorry.

You can check some of the new video on my Facebook page or my YouTube channel. I promise I will have more posts on this blog as soon as possible.

I've been thinking of what to make for breakfast past weekend and since I've had tortillas, I've decided to combine them with eggs. This is the final product. Weird breakfast I call it. You'll need an egg, cheese, spices and a bit of butter.

Let's start!


– an egg
– tortilla
– Cheddar and Gouda cheese
– spices: salt, pepper, basil
– butter


1. Make an egg, sunny side up style. Make it on butter and spice it with salt and pepper.

2. Heat a pan, put the tortilla on it (you'll have to sprinkle some water on it so it doesn't burn) and after a minute add the cheese, either grated or chopped.

3. Let the cheese melt and put the egg on it.

Serve it on a plate and sprinkle basil on it. You can serve it orange juice.




– jaje
– tortilja
– sir čedar i gauda
– začini: sol, biber, bosiljak
– maslac


1. Napravite jaje na oko. Ispržite na maslacu i dodajte soli i bibera.

2. Zagrijte tavu i stavite tortilju na nju, ali je pokvasite malo prije kako ne bi izgorila. Nakon minute dodajte sir, kojeg možete nasjeckati ili izrendati.

3. Pustite da se sir istopi i dodajte jaje.

Poslužite na tanjiru i pospite malo bosiljka. Poslužite s čašom soka od narandže.
