This is the best and the simplest tuna salad

This is the best and the simplest tuna salad

If you're looking for a salad that you can take to work but you can't be bothered too much with the process of making it? Well, you're in luck, cause I have the best recipe for you.

It is very simple, easy to make and so delicious. All you need is:

– Tuna
– Feta cheese
– corn
– chive

Open up that can of tuna and pour it in a bowl, put some corn in it, as much as you like, then and Feta cheese (as much as you want) and add a pinch of chive. Mix it and serve it on a plate or put it in tupperware if you want to take it to work. Don't forget to buy a bun or some kind of pastry.

It's that simple and delicious.




– tuna (Rio Mare)
– Feta sir
– kukuruz
– vlasac

Konzervu tune otvorite i prespite u zdjelu. Isto to uradite s kukurzom, ali stavite onoliko koliko želite. Zatim dodajte Feta sir, dovoljna je jedna supena kašika, ali slobodno dodajte više ako želite. Sve to pospite vlascem i promješajte.

Salatu servirajte na tanjiru ili spremite u posudu i ponesite na posao.

Nemojte zaboraviti na pecivo ili neke ukusne kifle.



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