Zucchini Vegetable or Meat Boats – Pretty Delicious To Me

Zucchini Vegetable or Meat Boats – Pretty Delicious To Me

There was a time when I did not like zucchini, but somehow they've started to creep up on me, and now I have a pretty good relationship with them.

Yesterday I've made something that I've called “zucchini boats” with vegetables, but there's a meat one in there. All you need is:

– zucchini
– vegetables: peas, paprika, corn
– onion
– cheese: Mozzarela and Gouda
– smoked meat
– spices: salt, pepper, chili

The recipe is very simple. Wash the zucchinis and slice them in half. Take the insides out with a spoon and make a little boat. Heat a pan or a wok and fry a half of an onion and add vegetables and spices. I've used corn, papirka and peas, but you can use what ever is in the season. While you're frying the vegetables, preheat the oven and put parchment paper on a pan. Put the zucchinis on the paper.

Grate a bit of cheese, Mozzarella and Gouda, and sprinkle it on the zucchinis. If you're a vegetarian just add the vegetables you've fried, if you're not, put a little bit of smoked meat.

So when the vegetables are done, put them on zucchinis and put them in the oven. Bake them for 20-25 minutes. But 3 minutes before you take them out, grate some cheese on them and let is melt.

Take them out the oven and serve it on a plate.

You'll thank me later. Enjoy!


Sastojci za tikvice s povrćem ili mesom:

– tikvice
– povrće: grašak, paprika, kukuruz (iliti Meksička Ledo mješavina)
– luk
– sir: Mozzarela i Gauda
– suho meso
– začini: sol, biber, čili

Isjecite tikvice na pola, zatim kašikom izdubite sredinu. U tavi ili woku ispržite luk i dodajte povrće. Posolite, popiberite i pospite čilija. Dok se prži povrće, izrendajte sira i pospite po tikvicama. Ako volite meso, na neke stavite suhog mesa.

Kada je povrće gotovo, stavite na tikvice, a zatim u rernu gdje ćete peći nekih 25 minuta. Nekoliko minuta prije nego ih izvadite iz rerne, pospite još sira i pustite nekad se istopi.

Servirajte na tanjir i uživajte!


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