This Crepe Cake Is So Frickin’ Delicious!

This Crepe Cake Is So Frickin’ Delicious!

It's the final day of “sweets week” here on Take Me To Food and I wanted to make something special.

I like to make unusual cakes, so I remembered that a couple of years ago I've made a crepe cake for my friends birthday. It was just a simple crepe cake with Nutella, but I wanted to change this one a bit, so here it is.

Crepe cakes are very delicious and pretty easy to make, it's just that the process is a bit long, it might ruin the experience, but when you make you'll forget about the hard work.


– 250ml/8.4oz of milk
– 3 glasses of water
– an egg
– a pinch of salt
– 300g/10.6oz of flour
– 200g/7oz of cocoa
– Nutalla or melted dark chocolate
– heavy cream
– caramel and vanilla spice


1. Make the crepe mixture by pouring milk, water, flour, cracking an egg and adding a pinch of salt into a bowl. Mix it with mixer and they fry the crepes. After you make 7 of those, add the cocoa to the mixture and mix it again. Then fry the rest of the mixture.

2. Make the heavy cream. Pour the cream into a bowl and mix it.

3. Put one crepe with plain flour on the plate and spread some heavy cream then put the one with cocoa and spread the heavy cream again. Put a bit of Nutella or melted chocolate between some of the crepes.

4. Top everything with this awesome caramel and vanilla spice.

Serve it and enjoy it!


Sastojci za tortu od palačinaka:

– 250ml mlijeka
– 3 čaše vode
– jaje
– prstohvat soli
– 300g brašna
– 200g kakao
– Nutalla ili istopljena čokolada za kuhanje
– šlag krema
– karamel-vanilija začin


1. Prvo ćete napraviti palačinke (očigledno). U zdjelu naspite mlijeko, vodu, ubijte jedno jaje, prstohvat soli i brašno. Mikserom ismiksajte i ispržite palačinke. Nakon što napravite sedam komada, dodajte kakao i miksajte ponovo i ispržite ostatak smjese.

2. Izmiksajte šlag. Jednostavno naspite šlag smjesu i miksajte.

3. Zatim jedan bijeli plačainak stavite na tanjir te namažite šlag, zatim stavite jedan s kakaom i namažite šlagom i tako sve do kraja, ali na nekoliko namažite Nutellu ili istopljenu čokoladu.

4. Pospite sa žačinom od karamele i vanilije.

Servirajte i uživajte!



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