Let's talk about Nutella. Do you know anyone who doesn't like Nutella? I don't and I hope I don't meet anyone like that… Just kidding, everyone has their right to love it or not, but seriously, how could someone resist it?
Anyways, today, on the second day of “sweets week”, I've made Nutella muffins, very easy and you'll need only 4 ingredients.

– 2 cups of Nutella
– 8 tablespoon of flour
– an egg
– 2 tablespoons of cookie crumbs
– toasted almonds
1. Put the ingredients in a bowl (but leave a few almonds for decoration) and mix them up with a spoon or a fork. Stir them for a few minutes until you get a paste, which you'll pour into muffins molds.
2. Bake them at 180C/350F for 20 minutes. You'll know that they are done when you poke them with a toothpick and when you take it out, the toothpick is dry.
And that's it…
Serve them with freshly squeezed orange juice or tea.
Sastojci za Nutella muffine:
– 2 šolje Nutella
– 8 supenih kašika brašna
– jaje
– 2 supene kašike mljevene Plazme
– tostirani bademi
1. Sve sastojke sastavite u jednu zdjelu te ih dobro promješajte viljuškom ili kašikom. Kada dobijete smjesu sličnoj samoj Nutelli, te ih zatim prespite u muffin kalupe. Naspite otprilike do pola kalupa.
2. Pecite ih na 180 stepeni nekih 20 minuta. Nakon toga zabodite čačkalicu u muffine, ako je suha, gotovi su, ako nije, pacite i dalje.
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