Here's a bit healthier burger for you guys. It's a a baked chicken burger, very delicious and very easy to make.
I'm still searching for that perfect burger recipe, so as per usual, you'll read and hopefully eat a lot of burger that I make until I find that perfect recipe.
So as the journey continues, enjoy this baked chicken burger.
– chicken file
– breadcrumbs
– flour
– an egg
– Gouda cheese
– bun
– spices: chili, oregano, chive, pepper, smoked salt
– sauce: ketchup, mayo, oregano
– vegetables: paprika, spring onions, rucola
1. Wash the chicken, dry it and cut it into two pieces. Put flour in one plate, en egg in another and mix it, and in the third put the breadcrumbs and spice them up.
2. Put the chicken in flour then in the plate with the egg and then in the breadcrumbs. Put the meat on a baking pan with parchment paper and put it in the preheated oven at 275C/525F.
3. Prepare the sauce and chop the vegetables while the meat is baking. Put 2 tablespoons of ketchup in a small bowl and add mayo. Sprinkle with oregano and stir it up. Leave it aside while you chop up the vegetables, which ever way you want.
4. The burger is done when it becomes brown-is, but 3 minutes before the meat is done, put some cheese on it and let it melt.
5. While the cheese is melting, spread the sauce on the bun, put some rucola on it, then put the meat and finish with paprika and spring onions.
Serve it with a beer or soda and enjoy!
Sastojci za pileći burger bez prženja:
– pileći file
– prezla
– brašno
– jaje
– Gauda sir
– peciva
– začini: čili, origano, vlasac, biber, dimljena sol
– sos: kečap, majoneza, origano
– povrće: paprika, mladi luk, rukola
1. Operite piletinu i osušite. Izrežite file na pola. Zatim u jedan tanjir naspite brašno, u drugi jaje i izmutite ga, u treći stavite prezlu u koju ćete dodati začine.
2. Piletinu uvaljajte u brašno, zatim jaje te prezlu i stavite na tepsiju, na koju ste već stavili papir za pečenje. Tepsiju zatim stavite u zagrijanu rernu na 275 stepeni.
3. Dok se meso peče, napravite sos i izrežite povrće. U malu zdjelu stavite 2 supene kašike kečapa i jednu majoneze te dodajte origana. Sve dobro izmješajte. Zatim isjeckajte povrće na komadiće kako želite.
4. Meso će biti gotovo kad dobije smeđkastu boju, ali 3 minute prije nego je gotov, stavite malo sira i pustite da se istopi.
5. dok se sir topi, na pecivo namažite sos i stavite rukolu, zatim na to dodajte meso i preko dodajte luk i papriku.
Servirajte uz pivo ili sok.