
I've Made Kebab Toast And I Frickin’ Loved It

I've Made Kebab Toast And I Frickin’ Loved It

I'm not ashamed, I love to mix different types of food. I've already mixed a lot of different things, but never thought of a kebab toast combination. I've already tried the kebab pizza, and you check it out here, but there's even something better, and […]

Mini Egg Donuts For Breakfast – I Went There

Mini Egg Donuts For Breakfast – I Went There

I love donuts! That's probably something everyone knows. Well at least the people who actually know me or fallow me on Instagram. The obsession with donuts and burgers comes from… well I actually don't know, but I frickin’ love them. I've already made chocolate donuts, they […]

Kako napraviti pecivo za burgere?

Kako napraviti pecivo za burgere?

Iako je sezona roštilja skoro pa gotova, to ne znači da trebate prestati s prženjem fenomenalnih burgera. Za burgere trebat će vam i pecivo, pa zašto ne bi napravili domaće pecivo? Recept je vrlo jednostavan i mogli ste ga pročitati na blogu u engleskoj verziji, […]

Zagreb Burger Festival – Najbolji hrvatski burgeri sredinom septembra na jednom mjestu

Zagreb Burger Festival – Najbolji hrvatski burgeri sredinom septembra na jednom mjestu

Na sveopće veselje svih ljubitelja hamburgera, uskoro počinje Zagreb Burger Festival powered by Heinz. Fini miomirisi razigrat će vaše okusne pupoljke na zagrebačkom Strossmayerovom trgu od 14. do 24. septembra. Kreativni studio Kokoš ili jaje dovodi deset burger barova iz Zagreba, Splita, Fažane, Pule i […]

This Was A Weird Breakfast But I Like It

This Was A Weird Breakfast But I Like It

Yes, I need to post more. I've been focusing on video recipes and different kind of food videos. I've been neglecting my blog, and I'm very sorry. You can check some of the new video on my Facebook page or my YouTube channel. I promise […]

American Classic: Hash Browns – I Did It My Way!

American Classic: Hash Browns – I Did It My Way!

I love cooking american classic food. There is something really great about their food, burger, Sloppy Joe's, pop-tarts, etc., and it is so good. I've been hearing about hash browns in a lot of TV shows, and I've always wanted to make them. After some […]

Napravio sam pizzu ispod sača

Napravio sam pizzu ispod sača

Vrijeme godišnjeg odmora moju curu i mene odvelo je na selo. Pobjegli smo od civiliazcije, da smirimo uši od gradske buke, a i vrućine. Ipak od vrućine nismo pobjegli jer je i na velikoj nadmorskoj visini bilo prevruće, a i mi smo skoro svaki dan […]

This Is A Gluten Free Egg Sandwich – Yes, It's Delicious!

This Is A Gluten Free Egg Sandwich – Yes, It's Delicious!

It's been a long holiday, but I'm back. I've posted my first post vacation recipe yesterday on my Facebook page. It was a recipe for an awesome fries. You can check that recipe at the bottom of the page. But before you watch that, let's […]

The Best Sunny Side Up Breakfast Ever!

The Best Sunny Side Up Breakfast Ever!

This recipe has been in the archive for a couple of weeks. I've made it a few weekends ago, but I still remember the taste. That's why I've decided to present it to you today. This is the best and easiest breakfast that you make […]

American Pancakes – Salty Breakfast Edition

American Pancakes – Salty Breakfast Edition

It's the weekend, and I'm hungry. Thinking of what to eat, and I get this idea of making american pancakes but salty. I've had something to do in the morning, so I was getting really hungry. Finally at noon, I've made these pancakes, and my […]