This Is The Best Baked Chicken Sandwich Ever! Yes, it is! Really!

This Is The Best Baked Chicken Sandwich Ever! Yes, it is! Really!

I'm pretty proud of my next creation.

If you love chicken, you'll love this sandwich. you can enjoy it with Pepsi or a cold beer. Try it, and let me know if you like it.


– chicken file
– breadcrumbs
– flour
– egg
– sesame
– cheese
– pickles
– onion
– spices: basil, Vegeta, chili
– sauce: ketchup, mayo, oregano
– bun


1. Take three plates or bowls and put flour, breadcrumbs and an egg which you'll have to beat. Cut the chicken file as you seen in the pictures, and dip them in flour, egg then breadcrumbs. But don't forget to put the spices and sesame in the breadcrumbs.

2. Put the chicken on a pan with parchment paper and then put it in the preheated oven at 275C/525F. Bake until they get that awesome brown colour.

3. Slice the onion and fry it on butter. Leave it aside until the chicken is done.

4. Make the sauce. Mix the ketchup (2 tablespoons), mayo (1 tablespoon) and oregano (1 teaspoon of oregano) in a bowl and spread it on the bun.

5. When the chicken is almost done put a few slices of cheese on a few pieces of chicken. when the cheese has melted, and the chicken is done, put the onion on the bun, then add the chicken, put some sauce on the chicken and finish the sandwich with pickles.

It's that easy and delicious.




– pileći file
– prezla
– brašno
– jaje
– sesam
– sir
– kiseli krastavci
– luk
– začini: bosiljak, Vegeta, čili
– sos: kečap, majoneza, origano
– pecivo


1. U tri tanjira naspite brašno, prezlu i umutite jaje. Pileći file izrežite na šnicle i zatim uvaljajte u brašno, pa jaje i prezlu u koju ćete staviti začine.

2. Takvu piletinu stavite na papir za pečnje i na tepsiju, koju ćete zatim staviti u zagrijanu rernu na 275C. Pecite dok ne dobiju smeđkastu boju.

3. Isjeckajte luk i ispržite na luku. Kada je gotov, ostavite sa strane dok se piletine ne ispeče.

4. Napravite sos. U malu zdjelu stavite kečapa (2 supene kašike), majonezu (jedna supena kašika) i origana (jedna čajna kašika). Sve to smiksajte i namažite na pecivo.

5. Kada je piletina skoro pa gotova, stavite nekoliko kriški sira ne neke od komada piletine. Kada se sir istopio i piletina ispekla, stavite luk na pecivo, onda naredajte piletinu, na koju ćete staviti i malo sosa i sendvič završite s nekoliko kiselih krastavaca na vrhu.

Lako za napraviti, a pravo ukusno.



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